The downside to spending money on shiny tat
I’ve written here before about Nanoleaf.
And in addition to the two sets mentioned there, I treated myself to the Canvas before Christmas:
Sadly, after 26 months’ service (being turned on by a schedule for about 20 minutes a day), the Hexagons’ controller has died. Nanoleaf’s support site cheerily tells you the warranty has expired and redirects you to the page where you can pay £26 (plus shipping) for a new one. Except you can’t, because they’re out of stock!
It’s almost as though these things fail quite a lot and that’s why there’s no stock of the replacement!
Two year warranty or not, my opinion (thanks to Citizens’ Advice) is that the Consumer Rights Act 2015 gives me a reasonable shot at a free replacment.
Over to Nanoleaf to see if they’ll stand by their product - I’ll update this post if they do the right thing.