OnePlus/Android - preferred network type
Last night, I got off a plane at Gatwick, breezed through security and baggage reclaim in record time, hopped straight on a bus to pick up my car, found it waiting for me, climbed aboard, turned the key ... and nothing happened.
To be strictly accurate, what happened was the unmistakable sound of a starter motor with not enough voltage to turn an engine over. Never mind, this is why we have breakdown cover. Reaching for my phone to make the call, I found a complete lack of signal. I find it hard to believe that 3 have no coverage of one of Britain's biggest airports, but no amount of rebooting the phone, popping the SIM in and out, or fiddling with the enable/disable settings for the slot it was in would make anything happen.
Fortunately, I managed to borrow an old-fashioned landline to summon a tow truck. It took me until the middle of this morning to work out that the "preferred network type" setting had somehow got set to "2G only" (I'm pretty certain I never touched it ... a side effect of roaming, perhaps?). Setting it back to Automatic made everything work again. I'm not sure whether to blame 3, Google, OnePlus or myself for this, but it has made me ponder carrying my "festival phone" (a £10 Nokia which never goes wrong or flat) in my car for emergencies like this.